Yes. Unfortunately, this is the experience in these countries. The LRA also very often takes sex slaves. What you are saying is important. This is being done to men and boys as well as to women. It's useless to try to compare their suffering, but the stigma is also enormously strong for boys and men. Very often they hesitate to admit that this has happened to them.
I listened to one of the witnesses on the panel on reparations that was undertaken in the DRC. One of the men said that he had no idea that this could be done also to men when it was done to him. It was clear just how traumatic it had been for him. If we get more men on board in the fight against sexual violence by mentioning that this is also done to young boys and men, we can have more political ownership from men. Thank you for mentioning it.
This is also done in a form of sexual slavery. They're often forced to follow an armed group for a long time. It's not unusual that they're killed afterwards and just left in the forest.