Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'm very pleased to have you with us today, sir. Listening to your commentary, it is very clear, as Mr. Hiebert just indicated, that there's a death sentence over the heads of these folks. If we don't have a physical presence of some sort to protect them, I don't care how long we extend the date, they're at risk of being murdered.
I want us to start talking in very plain terms here, because I think that is the outcome. If you get an extension without protection, you're going to have Iraqis go in there and there will be a slaughter.
I want to go back for a moment. Like everybody else, it's a great concern that they haven't been delisted by the U.S. That is almost shocking to hear, sir, with the amount of intervention that's gone on.
I have a question. The MEK, in 1979, were part of the revolution. The fact they were Marxist-Leninists or Marxists and that feminists are involved, and that the revolution was more or less hijacked by the clerics, do you think to this day that's probably the reason Iran itself wants them eliminated even to this day.