Thank you, Mr. Chair.
With regard to one of the points that I think Mr. MacDonald made, I think spending a lot of time on listing or delisting isn't really helpful in the situation we're in today. Several people who have come before us have said that Mr. Maliki is prepared to murder these people. I'm going to put it in the bluntest of possible terms.
Mr. Cotler just gave a listing of the EU's views and compared those to what we heard about the judicial process—which is, in my opinion, being minimized—about how they were delisted.
Ms. Martin, I was astounded—and I may have heard you wrong, and I want to come back to you to give you the chance to correct me if I am wrong. It seemed to me that in your testimony somehow you said that stone throwing was some kind of justification for armed people murdering people in that camp. I certainly want to give you a chance to correct that, because I may have misunderstood you. I want to give you every opportunity on that, in case someone else might have as well.