I come from Shanghai originally, and the Falun Gong practitioners in Shanghai would meet regularly. I think there are thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in Shanghai who have suffered different levels of torture and oppression, from people in their 70s to people in their 30s. They suffered what I suffered. And I am speaking only of Shanghai.
Many people suffered much as we did and others suffered more. In the 30 provinces of China, it's hard to say what the number is exactly. According to the Chinese government's statistics, there were 70 million Falun Gong practitioners in China, and I think there are about 100 million. As long as you do not give up your belief in Falun Gong, they will oppress and torture you. Some people have given up because of the fear and some people continue in their resolve. I would think this affects tens of millions. I think there are 30 million people who perished because of torture, and the ones who are still alive are suffering.
There are many torturers who went underground. In the earlier years, the Chinese government would publicly announce its intention to oppress, but now it has gone underground. Because the Chinese people would come and question them, the government went underground. This secretive oppression and torture is hard to quantify. On the Internet, you would find new cases of oppression every day. They're still looking for people who have disappeared, so it's difficult to pinpoint what the number is, because of the secretiveness of the torture. We are talking about tens of millions.