Thank you, Madam Péclet. Thank you to our witnesses as well.
We have actually gone a little bit past the time we normally end. I'll just thank both of you very much.
Also, there are a few other folks who I wouldn't mind thanking here. There are a number of people involved with Falun Dafa in Canada who have been very persistent in ensuring that these important issues remain in front of parliamentarians over a period of a decade now.
I want to express my appreciation. I have to express a particular appreciation to our translator. We only have one translator going from Chinese to English and then back. That is not easy. I can watch him doing it through the window here. My congratulations on a very difficult task.
That's it. Thank you very much, everybody, and in particular to Shenli Lin and Mingli Lin. Thank you very much for bringing these issues to our attention.
With that, we are adjourned.