Indeed, it's a very troubling issue, and one for which I think there is no straightforward answer.
I would suggest that part of the question is that it's a larger regional problem. Much of this is rooted in the history, particularly in the recent history of conflict, and some of the answers will lie in bringing peace and stability to the broader region.
In terms of what Canada can do, we've worked through multilateral institutions; I've mentioned some of the work we've been doing with the UN and with the ICGLR. I think being able to have those multilateral approaches remains very important in terms of having an impact on the ground.
Likewise, we work closely with a number of our closest allies and partners there. And then of course we have the various projects we have mentioned. We're constantly reviewing to see what other avenues we might pursue and where our assistance would be most useful.
Perhaps my colleagues have something they'd like to add.