All right. Thank you very much.
Thanks for the indulgence of the committee in letting me ask that question.
I will send out the memo, as I mentioned, regarding times for interventions.
As well, our clerk may have already distributed, or perhaps is about to distribute, the minutes from previous meetings in the last Parliament, the evidence that was submitted relating to the DRC. So that will be coming around.
As a final note, on Thursday we had a request from Mr. Marston—I thought it was a good request, but I want to confirm that the committee agrees—that we invite Desire Kilolwa relating to today's subject. He would be testifying as a witness with a bit of a ground-view perspective. I believe the information relating to that was sent by Mr. Marston to everybody.
Does it seem acceptable to the group that we do that?
Is that a “yes”, Mr. Cotler, or is that an “I want to comment”?