I asked Dr. Ottolenghi this question. I just want to ask you the same question with the hope that maybe you have some different access to intelligence on the ground. One of the things that has been of concern is that because of the control of this regime, the Iranian people themselves.... Again, Mr. Chair, I will reassert that when we talk about the evil regime, we're talking about Ahmadinejad and that regime, and not the innocent people of Iran. There's always this capability of them demonizing Israel and demonizing the west and taking the focus away from their evil deeds.
I'm wondering if the average person on the ground in Iran is getting more and more aware of the nature of this through the repression of the Green Movement, and is becoming aware of the magnitude of influence and the participation that Iran has with what's going on in Syria right now, where thousands and thousands of lives are being lost, and of course, tens of thousands more there are being injured.