No, I do understand your concern, and I think it's a good one. Again, based on my own research of what conscription means here, there are conscripts who are serving in the IRGC, but they are choosing to serve in the IRGC. So yes, they will get better pay, and they will probably get better perks as a result of serving in the IRGC, but ultimately there is no gun to their head. They do make this choice for themselves, and there does need to be a consequence for that.
Now, having said that, I will say that the lowly conscripted, especially the ones who are only going to spend a couple of years there, are not going to rise up in the ranks particularly far, and they're not going to be as impacted by any sorts of sanctions that western countries are going to impose. It's going to be the guys who stick around for decades who are going to rise up. They're also the ones who are going to be enriched financially from it and who then will also—ideally—suffer the most as a result of sanctions.
Again, this is not to be unsympathetic to truly nasty domestic circumstances, but I think every human being is born with challenges depending on where they live, and we hope that we all will make the best decisions we can within those circumstances. So short of being forced to serve in the IRGC, which they are not, I do not believe that your concern is enough to not list them as a terrorist organization.