I just want to clarify. If I have given the impression that I am advocating for military action as soon as possible, then I have definitely not been clear, so let me apologize for that.
I don't want to see military action. My goal is very much to avoid that at all costs. For fear of speaking out of turn, I would say the same thing applies to my colleague, Dr. Ottolenghi, who spoke to you a couple of days ago.
But I think generally, from an organizational FDD perspective, we have been at the forefront of advocating for non-military measures. That includes economic sanctions and that includes, very specifically, listing the IRGC as a terrorist organization, for fear of repetition here.
I do not believe that everything has been done that could be done on the sanctions front, on the non-military front, in order to prevent a nuclear Iran. I would very much like to avoid a military strike at all costs.
In terms of Canada's role, that generally isn't discussed. It's usually a question of whether Israel might pre-emptively strike militarily, and whether the U.S. might as well.
Whether any sort of western military strike is going to help Iranians....
I don't remember exactly what your question was. Was it whether it was going to improve the human rights situation?