Yes, as I said, among the better-informed Iranians.
One of the points I wanted to mention is that a lot of the members of the Iranian opposition are really deeply frustrated by the foreign policy of Iran. For example, during the protest following the Green Movement, people were heard chanting in the street, “We don't care about Gaza or Lebanon, we only care about Iran”, meaning to say, why are we spending hundreds of millions of dollars to prop up Hamas and Hezbollah and Assad when there's rampant poverty, unemployment, drug addiction, prostitution, a whole range of terrible social and economic ills?
So the average Iranian doesn't care about exporting the Islamic revolution abroad. They care about bread and butter issues that the regime has failed to deliver on, which is why millions of people poured out in the streets in 2009, and which is why sooner or later they will pour back out on the streets, simply because the regime cannot meet their basic needs.