That development comes together with the...right now. With land confiscation, with making people landless, with making people lose their homes, lose their villages, and lose their status, development is actually an important issue. Burma is one of the least developed countries in the world, so we would like to see our country developed.
But how will we have the country develop when you don't have the rule of law, you don't have proper business guidelines, and you don't have a governance system that grants equal opportunity for all the people inside the country?
When you make a visit there, when you go for development, development can go in the wrong direction. Now, actually, when many people go to Burma and they come back, they say, oh, Burma is totally different from North Korea. Exactly. We are different countries. You can see people in Burma on the street smiling and walking. You also can see the highest high-rise building there and you can also see the development projects here and there. But those development projects were built by the expenditures of the people, ordinary people.
These are the major challenges for the development. We must have the government for the people, by the people, of the people. We must have the rule of law. We must have the proper system that protects the environment, people, and the social affairs of the people of Burma. Without them, we don't see good development, the right development, in our country.