I didn't see it, but there was one that came out about two months ago. We had gotten word, General Phillips, Colonel McCloskey, Colonel Norman and I, that this was coming out and we wrote a letter to the head of BBC and told them they were taking a very skewed look at it.
When I was at Ashraf, I heard the many rumours that were generated—also from the State Department—that these people had killed Americans and were very bad people. Unfortunately, the majority of the people did not go and check the foundation of those rumours and where they came from. For instance, there was the rumour they'd killed the American officers, Hawkins, Turner, and Shaffer. After doing thorough research through non-MeK sources, I found out that wasn't the case. It was a splinter element, the Marxist Mujahedin, that had actually done the killings.
I would challenge this person to a debate any time on any TV station, and I would compare my in-depth research and experience with the MeK with his, and I guarantee you the results would be that he's coming from a very skewed position based upon results and personal discontent.