Again, there are different levels of persecution. One is at all levels of religion. If you are a cleric, which I mentioned, or a pastor, or even a Buddhist monk, you cannot vote, and you cannot hold a position in the government. You cannot form a government party. That is all stated in here. That is a form of persecution.
The second part is that most of the mountain people are Christian. Canada has brought in thousands of Karen people from the refugee camps in Thailand. A lot of them are Christian. This is a problem for the Karen that has been going on for 60 years. For the Kachin, it has been going on for 50 years.
Again, are they being persecuted because they are Kachin, or are they being persecuted because they are Christian? I believe that a lot of the problems are not because of either. I think they are persecuted because the Kachin people sit on one of the largest natural resource areas of the world, and everybody wants the natural resources—the gold, the teak—underneath the ground and above the ground.
As I mentioned to someone else, it is almost like a three-legged stool. There is the Kachin, then there is the religion, and then there are the resources. What is happening is that there's a lot of heavy things happening on the resource side.