That is what they say. That's a pretext.
They must know, if they are intellectuals and historians and would base their knowledge, that the Rohingya have been living there for centuries and centuries, as I showed on the slide. It is an ethnic cleansing issue and a racial intolerance issue.
The Rohingya being Muslim does not help. Although they are turning to religion and religious violence, it started from ethnic cleansing.
They don't want this population of Indian or South Asian appearance or descent because of racial intolerance. They may have a paranoid idea that this population will grow and grow and will eventually take over and dominate the Arakan state. It's basically ethnic cleansing.
The Rohingya are unwanted people in their view. So by any means, they want the population eliminated through a gradual reduction, a rapid reduction, or a semi-rapid reduction. They have several strategies. They have driven out people before, hundreds of thousands, as you know, during the Bangladesh refugee crisis.
This is basically an ethnic cleansing, racially motivated, violent campaign.