Okay, everybody, we have a quorum sufficient for hearing testimony. As always in this committee, we are short of time.
This is the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today is June 19, 2012 and this is our 44th meeting.
We are televised today, so act accordingly.
Today we are discussing what I think will be the final public meeting of our discussions about the human rights situation in Burma.
We are very fortunate indeed today to have with us as our witness Dr. Uddin, director general of the Arakan Rohingya Union. He has come all the way from London, England, to be with us. He is turning around and getting back on a plane after something like 18 hours on the ground to head back to London. For his superhuman efforts, for putting up with airline travel and food alone, we should give him attention, but he also has a very interesting presentation. As I think we'll all agree, this is a very important matter.
Welcome to our subcommittee, Dr. Uddin.
Mr. Parkinson, welcome to you as well.
Dr. Uddin, I invite you to please begin your presentation.