Today is September 27, 2012, and this is the 47th meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. We are studying the human rights situation in North Korea.
Today we have three witnesses with us from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. They are Graham Shantz, director general of the North Asia bureau; Alain Gendron, director of the Northeast Asia division; and Rebecca Netley, deputy director of the human rights and governance policy division.
Just to refresh the memories of those who were here before and to remind those who are new to our subcommittee, we have one-hour meetings, so time is of the essence. We usually have excellent presentations and not enough time to get out all the questions and to get the fulsome answers that we would want.
We'll have our presenters give their presentations. Based on how much time is left, I will remind you of how much time is available for our questions. If we are respectful of the times—and remember, the time includes questions and answers, so let them do the talking—then we'll be able to have everybody go around and get an equal amount of time. I'll let you know how much time is available for each round of questions.
That being said, I turn now to our witnesses.
I invite you to begin your testimony. Thank you.