Order, please.
This is the 55th meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today is November 1, 2012.
We are televised today. We are continuing our hearings into the human rights situation in Eritrea.
Today we have as a witness Cliff Davis, who is the president and CEO of Nevsun. He is joining us from Vancouver.
As is our practice when we have a witness, he will give testimony, followed by a period of questions and answers. I will determine the length for each round of questions and answers, based on the amount of time we have available to get us out on time. We'll have a bit of an extra time constraint because, of course, we have to get from this building over to the Centre Block in time for question period.
That being said, Mr. Davis, I turn the floor over to you and I invite you to begin presenting.