Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Ms. Sherif, for your presentation, for staying up late, and for enduring the protests on the way in. We greatly appreciate your spending the time with us and giving us this information.
Your opening remarks were heavily weighted with the fact that a lot of the issue regarding religious freedom has to do with sectarian violence. I concur with you. But there's also a role for the state to make sure that these people are protected.
One of the last things you mentioned was El Baradei's case. They purposely brought this person through the angry mob and then, when he was in a jail cell, made the great statement to the other inmates that he offended Islam.
Do you think this is the same as during the Mubarak days, or has there been an amplification of these kinds of instances regarding the state's impunity—and its lack of intervention as well?