Since it stepped down, when President Morsi came into power, the military hasn't really engaged and has taken a much more neutral role.
But as you would have seen if you had been following the clashes in front of the presidential palace last December, the police were present within earshot of a lot of the attacks against the protesters by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists—against the opposition, not just the Coptic community—and did nothing and therefore are culpable for some of that. Some of the violence included torture chambers right in front of the gates, in which they were torturing members of the opposition, demanding that they admit they had received money and were spies, etc. There are videos online showing proof that they were doing this.
So yes, I think the police are culpable, and there has been, I don't want to say an escalation, but a lack of ability to engage, and maybe even a lack of willingness to stop such violence and do their job.