Besides education I can mention our health work. We have a number of health initiatives. I mentioned an initiative we have to help prevent some diseases. I also mentioned in my statement a project that has now been completed where we helped with community health—training at the community level.
I also mentioned that we have an ongoing project with UNICEF and UNFPA, where we provide services to adolescents, talking about youth, helping them deal with some issues that are specific to adolescence. That also goes a bit beyond health per se, but it helps them by giving them some skills for their self-esteem, choosing healthy lifestyles, like doing sports. That goes a little bit beyond health or education per se and equips youth to engage in activities that keep them outside of the more risky behaviours that we know are a big challenge for the country.
In terms of health, we do have a few other initiatives. I should indeed have mentioned that through the World Food Programme we are providing meals for the children at school. This is another important measure, because it's been researched that not only does this help the kids achieve better learning outcomes, but it stimulates the parents to send them to school and keep them in school. This is a very important measure as well when it comes to protecting the children.