Again, that's a very good question. I'm not aware of an update on the February 13 murder, so I will have to get that information.
One of the things that we are doing at the OAS is trying to work with the local authorities. This is why we were so concerned about the Attorney General's office and the various fiscalĂas, the various sub-Attorneys General, who may not have had the tools or the interest, if you know what I mean, to investigate some of these trials. We see the removal of Attorney General RubĂ as a sign that the government and the congress are serious about ensuring that there are clean, clear, crisp investigations of all of these crimes.
Now, as for how to build the institutional capabilities so that the police and the Attorneys General, who have investigative powers in Honduras, have the institutional capability and capacity to do that, this is part of another process of work: of reforming the police and of trying to reform the public ministry and the Attorney General offices so that they have the tools with which to do this work.