Is that the end of your statement? Thank you.
Before we go to questions from the members of the committee, I have a couple of things I want to follow up on myself.
Regarding the law on policing, which requires that 2% of mine revenues be put towards the police force, you can't do it right now, but would you be able to draw to the attention of our analysts, and therefore the rest of the committee, what that law is so we can actually find the law and look at it? That would be very helpful so we could get a better understanding of that. We'll be contacting you for that follow-up. That's the first thing.
Second, you mentioned a couple of powerful landowning families. I think you said that actually thousands of farmers were in conflict with them. I am wondering if there is any kind of map of landholdings in rural Honduras. I gather there are a few large families that own the majority of the land. We always tend to talk about this in the context of Honduras and other countries without any actual concrete map to look at. Do you know of the existence of any such thing?