I know Gildan says they support a local police station. They helped to do that. I don't think they're private security guards. I think it is the local police they help to support.
Again, I do understand. I've been to the Caribbean a few times. Especially in the Dominican Republic, when you talk about security guards, every resort has people sitting with guns on top of turrets to protect the people there. Then when you see the local police.... I'm sure there are far more security guards in the Dominican Republic than there are police, as well.
All I can say is I'm very pleased with the way you've explained the way your organization is working. To get a result going from 5% to 28% is a plateau, and I congratulate you on being able to make those steps. If it takes another 10 years or so to get to 50%, I think that's the way we have to work it.
Hopefully Canada can work along the same lines to help create jobs, to help get employment up, and to get security back in the country.