I would disagree with that very certainly. Let me first speak of the police cleanup and then Lobo's role in that.
There have been three successive commissions, and most recently the CRSB, the commission for the review of security, the so-called Meza commission. Victor Meza, the original head of that commission, said very recently that the system was broken and that the police were not being cleaned up, that the police cleanup had failed.
The government itself admits that the police cleanups had failed and is starting a new process. In fact, we've seen a lot of new moves toward a supposed cleanup of the police and the prosecutor in the last two weeks, including the suspension of the attorney general, Luis Rubi.
The people who are being appointed here are themselves coup perpetrators. For example, Arturo Corrales, the former foreign minister, is now the new minister of security with jurisdiction over the minister of defence. The minister of defence does not acknowledge his jurisdiction. He himself is the one who had just appointed these retired military colonels to head the police. It's a very terrifying situation. So if you just look at the recent actions taken in the name of cleaning up....
In terms of Lobo's role in this, I want to underscore that it's Lobo himself who has appointed these people—Arturo Corrales and the people that he in turn has appointed. Lobo himself has not said a peep about Juan Carlos Bonilla, the national chief of police who is accused of the death-squad killings with serious documentation by the former police inspector, Maria Luisa Borjas. He himself has supported Hector Ivan Mejia, who was the national spokesman and now the head of the transit police and under an arrest warrant for tear-gassing a peaceful demonstration of the opposition in 2011, and the invasion of an opposition radio station.
So it's Lobo who has looked the other way and allowed the appointment of El Tigre Bonilla. I wish I could say that Lobo was a good guy; I have wanted to believe it. He's not the very worst of them, but he has continually appointed these kinds of people to top positions.