I have enormous respect for Mr. Blackwell, whom I have met, and I also saw that exact quote from his previous testimony. Many of the things Mr. Blackwell said in his earlier testimony, I completely agree with. That quote did pop out to me as well. I find it completely out of the realm of the possible that the three parties could reach consensus, because we're talking about a ruling party that has increasingly run roughshod over the constitution. For example, a party that has not taken action on the ongoing repression of the third party, Libre, which is ahead in the polls, I want to underscore. There's this concerted government silence about the repression of this party.
These parties also have dramatically opposing interests. Libre supports the constitution and wants to redistribute the wealth. It wants to reform the police from the bottom up. I think these are dramatically opposed positions. I'm trying to think of a metaphor here: it's like the fox saying to the chickens, let's clean up the coops together and reach consensus on that, and I think that's impossible. They can't even reach consensus about such things as the government agreeing to electronic balloting, which Libre would like to see to have a free and fair election.
I wish it were true that there could be a pact between the parties—and there are other parties—but I can't imagine that happening when we have this terrifying situation of a lack of basic civil liberties and rule of law that is countenanced by the ruling party.