Let's deal with the motion on Justus Weiner first, if we could. Is there any objection to adopting this motion to have Justus Weiner here on June 4?
(Motion agreed to)
That did not require unanimous consent.
The other one actually does. This is the motion to invite Goldcorp and one representative of the government to appear, thereby effectively making them our last two witnesses.
Is that agreeable to people? If it isn't, we'll reserve it and discuss it a different meeting. This is the one relating to Honduras.
(Motion agreed to)
Okay, I think we have consent on that one.
We have two witnesses today. Susanne Tamás has been a witness before this committee in the past. She was very, very helpful to us in the past on issues relating to the Bahá’ís and their treatment—or, rather, their mis-treatment—in Iran.
We also have Payam Akhavan, whom I don't see. Professor Akhavan, you're on the phone, are you?