Good afternoon, everyone. This is the 86th meeting of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today is June 7, 2013. The meeting is televised.
So don't do anything your mother wouldn't approve of, unless the camera is on somebody else.
Today we have as our witness, Brent Bergeron, senior vice-president of corporate affairs for Goldcorp.
I should inform the members of the subcommittee that Mr. Bergeron was supposed to have a PowerPoint presentation. We were supposed to have audiovisual equipment set up. He contacted us in advance about this. Something went wrong and it isn't here.
Mr. Bergeron, I owe you an apology for that. The clerk informs me that copies are being made of your presentation to be distributed. That is not as useful, particularly for people who are watching, since this is televised. That is a frustration. I can only apologize to you for it. I promise that as soon as the copies are made, they will be distributed. It looks like they are being distributed now.
Let's begin. I'm sure you know how this works. There's more or less 10 minutes for your presentation, after which we'll look at the amount of time available and divide it by six to determine how many minutes are to be devoted to each question-and-answer session.
Please feel free to begin.