Okay, I was giving my colleagues a chance there, but I'll just say, Mr. Chair, that your observations are to some degree self-evident, and in some cases painfully so, particularly in the sense of fewer subjects. You are right in that we are all faced with the dilemma of too many human rights violations in the world, such an abundance that they pull at our heartstrings. That's why we're involved in this committee, because we do care. It makes it extraordinarily difficult to stay focused on one or two items when that happens, but at the same time, as we've seen, we get spread so thin that we have multiple topics going on and we never produce a report or statement, and then it's self-defeating anyway.
I don't want to speak for all of my colleagues, but certainly in my regard I will do my best. I think it's a good plan to try to stick to the five that you've outlined, do our best to find one or two subjects to begin with in this session that we're going to be able to leverage most effectively, and before we rise maybe even have some completion in those eight short meetings that you mentioned.
Thank you for the guidelines. I appreciate them and we'll do our best to abide by them and work with them.