I totally agree with you. I keep hitting the point that in America if Kim Kardashian comes out in a new dress, it's all over the media, yet 52 people were murdered at Camp Ashraf and we hear very little about it and it's suppressed continually. Unfortunately, in America, in the United States, our media does not want to cover certain things, and unfortunately our state department has gotten away with a lot of lying.
In October we sent a letter to President Obama. It was responded to in December by Tony Blinken. The signatories on the letter were people like FBI Director Louis Freeh, Mayor Rudy Giuliani...[Technical Difficulty—Editor]...Governor Ed Rendell.... What we got back was a massive amount of lies. In January I took that letter apart, and Governor Ed Rendell sent it back to Tony Blinken.
In the room we're in now there are a couple of copies of the letter, and I'm willing to send it. Shiran has the letter. He's in the back of the room. I'm also willing to send it to...[Technical Difficulty—Editor]...and to show the problems. The media will not engage, for some reason. I can't figure out why. Even Rudy Giuliani, who is out there fighting for this issue, gets minimal response.