Colleagues, I'm going to ask your indulgence to deal with scheduling items, including the motion that Dr. Hsu moved.
I just want to alert you to the fact—I think this is relevant to the discussion, I'm not trying to dictate how the discussion takes place—I'm merely drawing your attention to scheduling issues relating to that particular week.
First, we had already agreed to schedule in Paul Bhatti for that particular day, the 25th. We are free to reverse ourselves, but I'm merely observing that the meeting was assigned for that purpose. It was actually the last item of business that we took care of in terms of scheduling.
The other thing to alert you to is an issue regarding the 27th. His Highness the Aga Khan will be appearing before the House that morning. We've adopted a Wednesday schedule by motion; this occurred earlier. All of the House leaders have agreed to this, so we will be using a Wednesday schedule. The Aga Khan addresses the House at 11 a.m. It is my belief that he will have wrapped up at 1 p.m., so I propose that although the House is on a Wednesday schedule, this committee continue to meet. I would suggest a room off the Hill, perhaps this one, perhaps Wellington. I'll leave that up to our clerk. I suggest that we continue to meet and follow that item of business already scheduled on that day.
The question of Adama Dieng, then, is really a matter of finding out what kinds of compromises we can make. A number of options are available, including an extra meeting.
But I will turn the floor over to Mr. Hsu, please.