Thank you so much. This is a very important question.
Sir, you raised the issue of the children of rape and what they are facing now in Rwanda, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in Croatia. Really it's terrible. Many of these children are devastated. They realize that their fathers were not killed during the war, but they are children of hatred as they call them. This is a bad consequence of wartime rape.
Concerning the women, I encourage the government to bring them to Canada. I think it is the responsibility of the government itself and of society, the non-governmental organizations working here for women, and for refugees, and for victims. They can rehabilitate them. They can take them to psychologists, to psychiatrists, to social workers to work with them. It's sort of rehabilitation, because they are sick—sick physically and sick socially, and sick even psychologically—and they need treatment. They cannot just put them in a shelter and give them food, or just make them feel secure that nobody can reach them, and in a couple of years they will be citizens.... It's a matter of treating these people and rehabilitating them. I think we have enough women's institutions to deal with this issue.