It's very difficult. It's really difficult because this kind of crime.... This is why I am appealing to the victims of sexual violence just to forget. It's difficult to forget, but I ask them just to think of themselves in a way that they were combatants or they were victims of a war, just wounded people, deeply wounded people. The feeling of shame, this is terrible. It's terrible among us here. How about these traditional communities? It's difficult.
With these people, even if you approach them and you know that in this tent or this place they are victims of rape, they don't talk. Maybe if you go to them in a different way or an indirect way, maybe they start talking about themselves by talking about somebody else. We hear that somebody had this and this and this, but in fact they themselves had it.
It's difficult but with little education.... The problem there is even in the mentality of the victims. The victims themselves, they believe that they should be punished for being raped, even if it was against their will. This is their education. This is their mentality. And a father who oppresses his children, his wife or his children, and he kills them.... I remember in the conflict in Libya a father slaughtered three daughters, 16, 17, and 18, because they were raped by Gadhafi troops. You are victimizing the victim. In fact, as an expert in Islamic law, I can say this is against Islamic law. This honour killing, anyone who commits honour killing under Islamic law should be liable and should be punished as he is committing a wilful killing.