Mr. Chairman, distinguished members, good day.
I would like to thank you for your attention to the ongoing human rights violations in Iran as well as the humanitarian crisis in Camp Liberty. I also want to express my deep appreciation for all of your efforts during Iran Accountability Week. Such efforts, as you said, sounds the alarm on the fourfold Iranian threat—nuclear, terrorist, incitement, and in particular the Iranian regime’s widespread and systematic violations of human rights.
The situation in Camp Liberty is directly linked to the political crisis in Iran. Indeed what is happening in Camp Liberty is the other side of the coin of suppression in Iran.
Since the U.S. handed over the security of Camp Ashraf to the Iraqi government, there were three attacks on Ashraf and three deadly missile attacks on Liberty with 116 residents killed by Iraqi forces, 1,350 injured, and seven still being held as hostages. It has now been eight months that they have been held as hostages. Twenty residents have also lost their lives due to medical blockade.
Many years of medical blockade continue to affect even those who have left Iraq. Razieh Kermanshahi died yesterday in Albania because for many years she had not received the proper medical care. Mohammad Babai passed away in Liberty on April 27 because of lack of medical care.
So far as the PMOI members are concerned, they are paying the price for their perseverance for freedom of the Iranian people. The religious fascism ruling Iran, engulfed by political, economic, and international crises, considers PMOI as the most serious threat to its rule. The PMOI is seen as the major force for change in Iran; therefore, the regime will not spare an opportunity to strike at this organization. For this reason, Liberty residents have become the prime targets of the regime’s atrocities.
I would like to address three aspects of the situation in Liberty that are very important: the security situation, living conditions, and the resettlement of the residents outside Iraq. The prime issue is a lack of security in the face of missile attacks on Camp Liberty. Trailers are overcrowded, with no protective walls or bunkers for the residents to take shelter at the time of missile attacks. They are completely defenceless and vulnerable. Iraq’s internal conflict and worsening security situation have increased the danger for the residents. Remarks by the Iraqi minister of justice on March 2 and Iraq’s ambassador in Tehran on April 27 regarding the extradition of PMOI members in Liberty is yet another indication of the dangerous situation of the residents.
The second issue is on the living conditions in Camp Liberty. The human rights of residents are being systematically violated. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in two reports have described Camp Liberty as a prison. Residents have no freedom of movement. They are denied the right to have family visits or meet their lawyers, and they are under medical blockade.
The Iraqi government is also trying to steal residents' property left at Camp Ashraf and has so far prevented them from selling their property.
The third issue is the resettlement of the residents. After two and a half years since the residents started relocation from Ashraf to Camp Liberty, only 10% of the 3,200 residents have been resettled outside Iraq, and the prospect for resettlement of the others looks dim, while all residents have been interviewed by UNHCR.
The question is, what to do now?
One, the first step is an independent international investigation into the killings, in particular the massacre of 52 residents and the abduction of seven on September 1, 2013. These are the photos of 52 persons who had been massacred on September 1 in Ashraf. Had there been an independent investigation about the first massacre, and had its perpetrators been brought to justice, we would not have seen the following massacres. Such investigation would be a preventive measure. Therefore, I urge you and the international human rights committee to call on the Government of Canada to initiate such an investigation by the relevant international authority.
Two, to prevent another Srebrenica, the international community must provide security for the residents so long as they are in Camp Liberty by stationing international observers and a unit of blue helmets in the camp. By offering financial and logistical support for such an initiative, the Government of Canada can remove all obstacles and excuses.
Three, violation of the residents’ human rights is part of the ongoing human rights violations in Iran. Families of the 3,000 Liberty residents in Iran are also suffering. Many of them have been arrested, abused, and some have been executed. A number of them are on death row. This matter must be addressed at the UN Security Council. I call on the Canadian government to raise this matter in the third committee of the UN.
Four, the Government of Canada can play an active role in the relocation of the residents by accepting a group of refugees from Camp Liberty and contributing to the cost of the relocation, and encouraging countries such as Albania to take more refugees.
In the end, I would like to thank the Government of Canada and Parliament for their firm position towards the Iranian regime. In recent years, the government cutting off diplomatic ties with the mullahs’ regime and parliamentarians’ support for the Iranian resistance have been heartwarming for our people in their efforts to achieve freedom.
The regime has intensified suppression because it feels more vulnerable. Despite claims of moderation by the regime’s president, there have been more executions over the past year compared with any other year in the past 25 years.
Last month political prisoners in the Evin prison were brutally attacked by prison guards. The mullahs have intensified their attacks on Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty. In such circumstances, Canada's support for human rights in Iran, freedom, and Iranian resistance is more effective than at any other time. Our objective is a free and democratic Iran, a republic based on separation of religion and state, with gender equality and the rule of law, a new Iran with no discrimination against religious or ethnic minorities, and a non-nuclear Iran.
Thank you for your attention. I would like to hear your views. Thank you very much.