Order, please, colleagues. This is the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Today is November 19 and this is our third meeting. This meeting is televised.
Our witnesses today are from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.
That's to say, we have with us today Susan Gregson, Jeff Nankivell, and Deborah Chatsis, who are here to advise us about the human rights situation in Sri Lanka.
I gather, Ms. Gregson, that you have with you a couple of other people as well who are seated in the rows behind you. I'll invite you to make any further introductions you think are appropriate in the course of your testimony.
You know the drill here. It's more or less 10 minutes for your testimony. After that we'll follow with a series of questions and answers and make our way around the table. We try to end on time. Depending on the members, we do have sometimes some flexibility to go a tiny bit over in order to accommodate questions, but that will be at the discretion of members. We'll see how that goes.
Can I turn the floor over to you?