Thank you for the question.
The only statistics we have are the statistics available for the Eritrean government. I'm not a source of them, but because we follow these issues, they are issues at heart.
The government has immobilized 110,000 soldiers. For the ones who work at Nevsun, Nevsun knows the details about them. We have zero tolerance of human rights abuses, because these are the principles of the Eritrean liberation. There's no liberation and freedom without respecting human rights. The direction we know is there.
With Nevsun, they posted a few things after they were accused, and there was more detail. The Government of Eritrea at that time actually gave details on how many people worked there, how much was paid in salary, and the conditions. But there was a huge cultural bias. When I saw the initial report that said the workers sat together and eight people ate off one plate, this has been happening for centuries in Eritrea, okay? So when we see those kinds of biased reports, we really know that this report was not written on the ground. It was written somewhere far away in reference to what is not happening there.