I do. I really was able on both occasions to say that these are the groups of people I wanted to speak with and that included government officials. Obviously in the mine site it's easy to have access through the company to their managers but also in terms of dealing with employees, I was able to pick whom to speak to. In some cases, for focus groups, I did that at random. I would take a roster and choose person A, person B, and so on.
The thorny issue that has come up before is with the subcontractors. I was able to have access to Segen Construction workers at their camp. I was able to freely visit the living quarters and so on and examine those. A relatively small workforce was at the site at the time I was there. They were working on finishing some sort of industrial processes for the copper phase. I went in and inspected their working conditions. There have been issues raised about personal protective equipment, etc. I was able to speak with them both formally and informally.
Using the information that I gathered from them, I went back to the headquarters in Asmara, interviewed the managers, the general managers of Segen, and then I did spot checks of those employees' files in Asmara to make sure the paperwork was in order in accordance with the screening procedure that has been put in place.
I felt in those meetings that I had a good constructive, open dialogue. Because the issue of national service workers was raised squarely with the construction company, however, there are other contractors that engage with the Bisha mine. Currently my estimation was that now that the construction phase for the copper phase...there's a limited role for Segen Construction until the future when they might undertake other construction activities.
The main thing is, with copper they have a big truck hauling of the concentrate to the port, so there's the company called Transhorn Transport which will be having.... Again, it's a state-owned enterprise. I met with those people and again, the same sort of screening process is being put into place, and so on and so forth.
Your question was about access. I felt I had reasonable access with people and it was not controlled.