I have a couple of ideas.
I think what Nevsun has done is responsive to some of the suggestions that have been made by this committee previously. Mr. Romaine has talked about ongoing reporting on these, so I think that keeping a dialogue with Nevsun about how they follow up on these recommendations would be good.
There are also other Canadian companies that are operating in Eritrea. Maybe there is a conversation to be had with them about their approach.
Finally, I know that the government's CSR policy for the extractor sector is currently under review. In the initial version five years ago they made some passing references to the work of John Ruggie, and the protect, respect and remedy framework. Now that those have been adopted in the UN guiding principles, Canada might consider making more formally those standards as one of the international standards that extractive companies should abide by, which would provide a similar framework that Nevsun's work on this project has been framed by.