Fellow members, as chair of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, I now call the meeting to order.
Today, June 5, 2014, marks the committee's 32nd meeting, which is being televised.
We are continuing our study on the human rights situation in Eritrea.
We have two witnesses today. The first is Lloyd Lipsett, who is here as an individual but is appearing as an expert and as the author of the “Human Rights Impact Assessment of the Bisha Mine in Eritrea” report. Also with us is Todd Romaine, who is the vice-president for corporate social responsibility with Nevsun.
We did consult with members of the committee and it seemed okay to have the two of them appear side by side, but I assume if it's the case, Mr. Lipsett, that you will be the lead commenter.