I think Damon has really hit on it here. The dilemma is that if you push the medical community to go out there and talk to their Chinese counterparts and try to influence them, you enter a process of engagement. We just went through that for two years, and it led to exactly that—the feeling of, well, the medical community kind of has this under control and the problem is sort of ending. Look, I felt that too when I was writing my book, but the fact was that of course it was not true.
So you have a choice. You may have to actually take more punitive measures to make the point, so engagement in this case may not be a pleasant thing. I think that would be a great starting point for the medical community. They don't have a lot of experience in doing this kind of negotiation.
I used to live in Beijing. I used to do a lot of business negotiations. I mean, you never come in saying I'm not going to verify what happens here.