How is the average Chinese organ tourist different from a western organ tourist? There's not a “single” western organ tourist, because we know there are plenty. Not one has written anything. It's very difficult to interview them. Hospitals of course are very protective, but I've recently scored an interview with a Chinese fellow in the U.K. and am expecting to interview him when I get back.
No. The organ tourists do not complain. First of all they are kept away from the process, so they are allowed a level of plausible deniability about what is going on. They are desperate people. They are undergoing a miracle in their lives. These are people who are very sick and suddenly rise out of a hospital bed and go on to live another 25 years.
I don't see a huge difference in that. Everybody's allowed to pretend this isn't going on, and they are no different. The only person who has written about this is Daniel Asa Rose, a nice humorist from Massachusetts