I'm not sure that we know at this time what the ordinary Chinese citizen knows about organ harvesting. There are certainly rumours. This is widely suppressed on the Web.
There is one interesting factoid, though. Just three days before the Chinese medical establishment made its widely trumpeted claims of reform—they were on the front pages of Canadian newspapers, and in my home country of America in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times—they did open up the Internet to search the term “Wang Lijun live organ harvesting” for 24 hours. This was clearly a factional play. It was as if one faction was saying to another, “How far do you want to go here?”
During this time a lot of the things that people consider rumours were suddenly verified precisely by establishments such as this. They looked at congressional hearings in America, they looked at EU hearings, and they said, “My God, there's something here.”
So as much as I gave a very harsh testimony earlier, I want to say that just the fact that you're holding this hearing is a huge step forward for the Chinese people; it really is.