Mr. Chair, I will make the statement, and then Leslie and I will respond to questions and comments from the committee.
Thank you to this committee for inviting the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to contribute to your study on the long-term effects on survivors of rape and sexual violence during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. As has already been said, I have with me today Ms. Leslie Norton, the director general for international humanitarian assistance in the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, or DFATD, as it's becoming known.
It's never easy to speak on such a deeply affecting topic as the Rwandan genocide, in which more than 800,000 people lost their lives. We'll never know the exact numbers of victims and survivors. However, we know from survivors that sexual violence was used as a weapon of war to destroy the spirits and dignity of women, to humiliate them and their families, and to annihilate support for them from their communities.
The high-level international panel commissioned by the Organization of African Unity estimated that tens of thousands of women and girls were raped, often repeatedly. They were held in sexual slavery or were sexually mutilated. Many women were killed after they had been raped. Others were saved, only to be raped. The long-term consequences of this horror are entirely part of the legacy of the genocide.
Following the genocide in 1994, the whole Great Lakes region was destabilized. Canada contributed extensively to international humanitarian efforts to reduce the suffering of the people in Rwanda as well as that of Rwandan refugees in the Great Lakes region, including in Burundi, Tanzania, and what was then Zaire.
Canada's support included food, medical assistance, shelter, clean water and sanitation, transportation, and logistical support. This was channelled through organizations that are still among our biggest humanitarian partners today: the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Food Programme, and the International Red Cross movement.
ln the period from 1994 to 1997, the Great Lakes region accounted for the largest share of then CIDA funding of any single conflict or emergency. Over 65% of the reported budgetary allocations and expenditures for CIDA-sponsored humanitarian activities in this period went to operations in Rwanda and Tanzania alone.
As this subcommittee knows well, the destabilization of the region had long-term consequences. Deplorably, the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war continues to be widespread in the Great Lakes region today, most acutely in what has become known as the Democratic Republic of Congo.
As Canada's latest initiatives and leadership in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence in the DRC have been addressed, most recently by the report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development and the subsequent response from the government, I'll speak here to the latest initiatives that are most relevant to Rwanda.
ln 2010 DFATD provided $13.5 million over a seven-year period to the Canadian non-governmental organization Centre d'étude et de coopération internationale, or CECI, for a regional project to better protect girls and young women of Rwanda, the DRC, and Burundi from the physical and psychosocial effects of sexual violence. This project provides assistance to survivors, raises community awareness, and promotes changes in behaviour and perception towards survivors of sexual violence. As of last year, over 2,000 survivors, including 800 in Rwanda, were able to access key medical, psychosocial and legal services.
The project builds on local expertise in collaborating with an NGO or a collective of associations working for the advancement of women in the Great Lakes region, which brings together 11 experienced women's organizations from Rwanda, the DRC, and Burundi. One of the project's objectives is also to make this local collective a recognized leader in the fight against sexual violence not only nationally but regionally and internationally. Already the Gender Monitoring Office in Rwanda has invited the collective to share its expertise with the national police to improve their services to survivors.
The collective has also successfully established a partnership with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, the ICGLR, to increase the impact of its advocacy work to fight sexual violence and end impunity. The ICGLR is the primary international forum set up to identify lasting solutions to the region's peace, security, stability, and development problems. lt assembles 12 leaders of the wider Great Lakes region, including Rwanda.
ln addition, Canada contributed $4.3 million in 2011 and 2012 to a World Bank project that offers gender-sensitive activities and technical assistance to national programs for disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of ex-combatants in Rwanda, the DRC, Burundi, and Uganda. The project was developed after it became known that women-specific needs were not necessarily properly considered in these projects. Among the results achieved, all the targeted national programs have increased their gender-sensitive programming to better address the gender-specific needs of male and female ex-combatants.
Such Canadian programming and results show how far we have come. If we can point to one seed of hope in the Rwandan experience, it is this: that the Rwandan genocide marked the departing point for significant changes in how the international community of states understands sexual violence in war and how it addresses these crimes as part of international responses to conflict situations.
The testimonies of the brave Rwandan survivors of sexual violence provided the essential evidence base that made possible the first ever prosecution of sexual assault as a war crime. These Rwandans helped set a new precedent in international law, that those who use rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war can and will be held legally responsible for those war crimes.
lt was a Canadian, Louise Arbour, who, as chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, led this first ever prosecution. For its part, the Government of Canada was a strong supporting partner for this groundbreaking initiative.
From the outset, Canada has been a partner for survivors of sexual violence in the Rwandan genocide. We have sought to carry forward the agenda they began: to end rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war. We remain a strong advocate for these important changes in the international order.
For example, in June 1999, the Parliament of Canada adopted amendments to Canada's Extradition Act and other legislation in order to allow the surrender of accused individuals to the ICTR. ln 2000, Canada enacted the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, which authorizes the initiation of proceedings in Canada for war crimes committed abroad. Two Rwandans have been charged under this act, and one of them has been convicted.
ln addition to its share of contributions made through general assessments, Canada has provided $1 million in voluntary contributions and facilitated the appearance of several witnesses before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Canada is also a member of the “Friends of the ICTR” group in Dar es Salaam, with its allies the U.S., the U.K., the Netherlands, and Norway.
Beyond the pioneering victories won by Rwandan survivors at the ICTR, the Rwandan genocide was also a catalyst for the development of new global norms of how the needs and experiences of women are treated and considered in conflict situations. These norms inform and guide Canadian foreign policy today.
Canada was on the UN Security Council when it unanimously adopted Resolution 1325 on women, peace, and security on October 31, 2000. This landmark resolution calls on all parties to take special measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence in situations of armed conflict, particularly rape and other forms of sexual abuse. Resolution 1325 was the first Security Council resolution to deal exclusively with women in situations of armed conflict, and it stresses the importance of equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security.
Since then, six more resolutions on women, peace, and security have been passed at the Security Council. These include: Resolution 1820, which explicitly links sexual violence as a tactic of war with women, peace, and security issues; Resolution 1888, which requires peacekeeping missions to protect women and children from sexual violence during armed conflicts; and Resolution 2106, passed just last year and co-sponsored by Canada, which stresses that the Security Council, parties to armed conflict, all member states, and United Nations entities must exert more effort to implement women, peace, and security mandates and help ensure that perpetrators are held to account.
ln October 2010, the government announced Canada's national action plan for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace, and security. The action plan is a whole-of-government initiative that sets out concrete objectives, actions, and performance indicators and emphasizes participation by women and girls in peace processes, the protection of their human rights, and ensuring their equal access to humanitarian and development assistance. The government has tabled in Parliament annual progress reports on the implementation of the national action plan for fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 and anticipates tabling the next annual report soon.
Mr. Chair, the legacy of Rwanda has informed Canadian foreign policy in other significant ways. The genocide and conflicts in other parts of the world throughout the 1990s taught us the hard lesson that many intra-state conflicts defy isolated military, humanitarian, or development responses. That is why in 2006 Canada created the Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force, or START. This new tool has provided the government with an agile, rapid programming, deployment and policy capacity, designed to specifically improve Canada's capacity to both prevent and respond to conflicts and crises.
The terrible reality of the Rwandan genocide and the brave efforts of Rwandan survivors of sexual violence compelled the international community to take seriously the issue of sexual violence in war. Canada has been a proud partner of these survivors. Today, Canada is building on their efforts by strengthening the international community's ability and resolve to prevent the use of sexual violence as a tactic of war, and by empowering survivors to hold perpetrators of these war crimes to account.
Mr. Chair, thank you for your attention. We'd be very pleased to answer your questions.