This is a topic that is very difficult for people who've never lived close to anything like it. Listening to your comments...I was raised in New Brunswick and you can't see me to realize I'm as old as I am, but I can remember community quilting bees where the ladies of the community came together. As a little boy who hid under the blanket while they were making it, I heard some interesting conversations. They would address problems like the husbands who abused them, or husbands who drank, or whatever. We also had first nations close to us who would have a circle and pass a feather. In my time in the labour movement in the seventies we started to confront sexual harassment, harassment policies, and things like that. We used to sit down in a circle and pass a pen. In all those instances you had something that gave you visible permission to speak, so hearing this is interesting.
Recently we had an anniversary of this horrendous set of events in Canada and I heard speakers...survivors. Are you aware of any programs or support for these victims in Canada?