I haven't been to Rwanda since 1994, and in terms of whether or not Tutsis feel comfortable in Rwanda, I would probably not be the best person to comment. But from what I've heard—one of my relatives lives in the country; she moved there a few years ago—a tremendous effort has been implemented by the leadership. There is always room for improvement and to do more, but if you compare the pre-1994 Rwanda to Rwanda now, based on testimonies of people on the ground—and I'm actually hoping to visit the country soon to see for myself—tremendous effort has been made. Maybe you could look at it on a continuum, but sometimes things are very hard to measure and put a figure on.
The sentiment, I think, would be much different, because let's face it; in 1994 you could be killed outright for being Tutsi or for sympathizing with the Tutsis. I think the situation is different. Maybe more needs to be done, but as to how much, I would need more on-the-ground information to provide an objective answer.