I'm not sure that it is palatable to the general public. In terms of the justification, there is a section of the public, and certainly a good part of the conservative base of the National Party of Honduras, which saw in a positive light the creation of the new military police force. Again, this became a central theme of Orlando Hernandez' campaign and I think was used to sort of mobilize this base.
So this police force has grown in recent months. Another 1,000 individuals are now part of the force so I think it's 2,000 strong. It will eventually reach 5,000 if the government follows through with its plans.
The justification is that there is a great deal of crime. The best way to deal with it is to have a very tough response, in Spanish they say mano dura, a “strong hand” to deal with this. What stronger hand is there than the military with their military tactics and weaponry?