I'm certain the researchers would be happy if you saved them the trouble and submitted that. That would be great. Thank you very much.
I didn't get a chance, because of the way my first questions started. I want to thank you very much for all the great work that you've done in Sri Lanka. I don't doubt that it's been more than emotionally painful to do it.
I have before me some notes. I think they were entered as testimony. I'm not certain at this time, because it was some time ago, so I'll just say that they're notes from the Sri Lankan High Commission.
The concluding remarks in these notes are:
The need of the hour is to focus on reconciliation issues. The people in Sri Lanka and especially the Tamils in the North and East want to live in peace. Sri Lanka needs the time and space to address these huge challenges.
From your testimony today, I think there is little to no sincerity in the regime that's presently in Sri Lanka, in regard to that statement of needing reconciliation.
Is that an overstatement?