Mr. Chair, I am going to give it to my colleague Mr. Hillyer to ask some questions, but I do want to clarify a few things.
Canada has a reputation and continues to have a reputation of, per capita, taking more United Nations High Commissioner refugees than any other country in the world. I know in the community in which I live, Hamilton, Ontario, we invest millions of dollars, and when I say we, the federal government invests millions of dollars in settlement services for refugees, as well as for immigrants in regard to all kinds of services, medical, psychological, language, employment opportunities, etc.
Last year I was on the border of Jordan and Syria, where we've committed to take more refugees. By the way, 60% of those will be coming in on a very amazing program called the private sponsorship of refugees, which means communities actually get involved with the government and assist them. Many of them will have access to pastoral counselling and psychological help in the communities they'll be in. I was on that border and I was with the royal Jordanian guard. They informed me that of all of the countries that made a commitment to help Jordan actually handle the huge refugee crisis that they have, at that time the only country that had lived up to its promise was Canada, to purchase some water trucks, some trucks to transfer refugees from the border to get them to the camps, to assist them psychologically and mentally, for security, because a lot of al Qaeda and ISIS were actually trying to get across the border. The brigadier-general who was briefing us was profoundly grateful. In fact he said, “Canadians we know are our friends”.
I just wanted to put that on the record to be clear regarding the investments that the Government of Canada is making on behalf of all Canadian citizens in regard to refugees everywhere really.
I would say one more thing. As all free countries, we have a challenge between those who are asylum seekers and those who are United Nations High Commissioner refugees. We invest millions of dollars in security screening to make sure that we keep Canadians safe as well for those who land in our country whose identity we can't readily confirm; in fact, on some occasions they actually destroy their documents. We go through all kinds of efforts to make sure that legitimate refugees have a safe haven. Just as importantly, or maybe even more importantly because we are the Canadian government, we make sure that all necessary security screening is done to assure that Canadian citizens are kept safe.
I just wanted to make sure that was on the record among the other comments that were made.
I'll give the rest of the time to my colleague Mr. Hillyer to ask any questions.