Yes. This one psychologist who I am so impressed by asked me a number of times.... But he has no interest in coming to live here. He wants to just come and.... He's the one who works in drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Because it's so new, he doesn't really know a lot about it, so he would really like to spend some time here. There's one place I was thinking of. When I cover courts, a lot of people are ordered to go to rehab centres in Montreal or Quebec or somewhere. I thought those would be good places for him to spend some time, just to observe how the counselling is done.
It was interesting when I was talking to him. He had a Rwandan father show up with his kid from Edmonton because they couldn't get proper care in Edmonton. This kid was out of control. He was taking drugs and drinking, and so on, and the father thought it would be good to take him to Rwanda where there weren't any of these problems, but when I met the kid and his dad, he was drunk—the kid was over six feet tall, one of these big 16-year-olds—so he had obviously found a way to get the stuff in Rwanda. I found it ironic that the father was bringing his kid from a first world country to a third world country to get him over his addiction. This psychologist, who has studied in England, would love to find a way to learn more about addiction.