In the UFD, we would write novels, songs, videos, and magazines. These are produced by the people in that department. It's not just poetry that comes out from that department. All kinds of different media come out of that department. The UFD that I was in is like a cultural liaison. From the 1970s up to the current date, they have been engaged in those kinds of activities that produce all forms of literature and art that is used for propaganda.
If you were to look at a publication called Uri Minjok Kkiri, which means “Us Together”, you would see that it's published by the UFD. Through this media outlet, North Korea provides op-eds and various articles, all of which are used as tools for psychological warfare against South Korea. There are various periodicals and also literature produced by this division. From the 1970s on, we used Japan as a channel, because there is a group of Koreans in Japan who are pro-North Korea. This group was used to channel these publications into South Korea.
In the past, movements for democratization in South Korea were actually anti-government movements in South Korea, so North Korea was trying to use these people who were engaged in democratization movements in the past as a channel for their psychological warfare against South Korea.